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Our Native English Teacher (NET) is Mr. Matthew, originally from the UK. He has been working here at Precious Blood for over a decade. To quickly find out what he does, you can watch this short video:

NET Tour YouTube Video

In order to provide students with a good, natural English learning environment for learning, practicing and doing things in English, the NET puts on a lot of extra-curricular activities to supplement the teaching he does at P1-P4 year levels. From weekly video broadcasts to student podcasts, from online school magazines to  project-based learning groups using VR, the NET makes sure that the language knowledge and skills that students are learning in their regular English lessons get developed through a variety of meaningful,  ‘real-world’ activities and groups. 

English Room Day C Broadcast Video 

Students can also go and chat with Mr. Matthew at recess times every day in our dedicated ‘English Room’. This is also a place where students can play games, make new friends, read books and do arts and crafts - all through the medium of English.

What’s happening these days?’ Video  

If you are interested to learn more, you can browse the NET’s dedicated website here:




我們的母語英語老師(NET)是 Matthew 先生,來自英國。 他已經在 Precious Blood 工作了十多年。 為了快速了解他做了什麼,你可以觀看這個短片:

NET Tour YouTube 影片

為了提供學生一個良好、自然的英語學習環境,讓他們用英語學習、練習和做事,NET舉辦了大量的課外活動來補充他在P1-P4年級的教學。 從每週的視訊廣播到學生播客,從線上學校雜誌到使用VR 的基於專案的學習小組,NET 確保學生在常規英語課程中學習的語言知識和技能透過各種有意義的、「真實的」得到發展。 -世界的活動和團體。

English Room Day C 廣播影片

每天課間休息時,學生還可以到我們專門的「英語室」與馬修先生聊天。 這也是學生們可以玩遊戲、結交新朋友、閱讀、做藝術和手工的地方——所有這些都是透過英語進行的。


如果您有興趣了解更多信息,可以在這裡瀏覽 NET 的專用網站:
